
mELd Publications

Pelaez, K., Calleros, E.D., Parra, J., & Zahner, W. (2023). Examining community cultural wealth of a transfronteriza multilingual student in mathematics classrooms. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

Zahner, W. & Wynn, L.* (2023). Rethinking Learning Trajectories in Light of Student Linguistic Diversity. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 25(1), 100-114, [Open Access]

Zahner, W. & Pelaez, K. (2022). Does individual students’ verbal participation in a multilingual classroom correlate with a measure of learning? In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, A. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds). Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (Vol 4, p. 323). Alicante, Spain. [Open Access]

Zahner, W., Calleros, E. D., Pelaez, K., Abeldaño, P., Parra, J. A., Zuniga, A. (2021). Removable Discontinuities: Improving the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in the San Diego-Tijuana Region. NABE Global Perspectives.

Zahner, W. (2021). Designing for mathematical literacy: Introducing exponential growth using critical and meaningful problem contexts. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 64(6), 693– 698.

D’Errico, M. & Zahner, W. (2021). Using Interviews to Identify the Resources of Multilingual High School Students. Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics. Supplemental Files.

Zahner, W., Wynn, L., Calleros, E., & Pelaez, K. (2021). An Analysis of Patterns of Productive and Powerful Discourse in Multilingual Secondary Mathematics Classrooms. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the North American Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Philadelphia, PA (pp. 1459-1468). Cinvestav / AMIUTEM / PME-NA. [Open Access]

Zahner, W., Pelaez, K., & Calleros, E. (2021). Principles for Curriculum Design and Pedagogy in Multilingual Secondary Mathematics Classrooms. In A. Essien & A. Msimanga (Eds.) Multilingual Education Yearbook 2021: Policy and Practice in STEM Multilingual Contexts (pp. 235-255). Springer. 

Zahner, W., Calleros, E. D., & Pelaez, K. (2021). Designing Learning Environments to Promote Academic Literacy in Mathematics in Multilingual Secondary Mathematics Classrooms. ZDM Mathematics Education53(2).  [Open Access]

Zahner, W., Wynn, L. & Villarreal, A. (2020). Examining equitable participation and positioning in multilingual classrooms: Tasks, language(s), and norms. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Shanghai, China

Pelaez, K. & Zahner, W. (2020). “Ya me conforme”: Resisting dominant narratives in mathematics classrooms. In A. I. Sacristán, J. C. Cortés-Zavala, & P. M. Ruiz-Arias (Eds.) Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mexico (pp. 614-615). Cinvestav / AMIUTEM / PME-NA. https:/ [Open Access]

Zahner, W., Pelaez, K., & Calleros, E. (2020). Designing mathematics learning environments for multilingual students: Results of a redesign effort in introductory algebra. In A. I. Sacristán, J. C. Cortés-Zavala, & P. M. Ruiz-Arias (Eds.). Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mexico (pp. 409-416). Cinvestav / AMIUTEM / PME-NA. https:/ [Open Access]

Wynn, L. & Zahner, W. (2018, November). Connections among curriculum, tasks, and linguistically diverse secondary students’ understandings of rates of change. In T. M. Hodges, G. J. Roy, & A. M. Tyminski (Eds.) Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (p. 223-227). Greenville, SC: PMENA.

Zahner, W., Milbourne, H. & Wynn, L. (2018). Developing and refining a framework for mathematical and linguistic complexity in tasks related to rates of change. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 52, 21-36

Zahner, W., Wynn, L., and Ulloa, S. (2018). Designing for equity: Creating productive and powerful discussions in bilingual classrooms. In D. White, A. Fernandes, & M. Civil Access and Equity Promoting High Quality Mathematics in Grades 9-12, Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

mELd Conference Presentations

Zahner, W., Calleros, E.D., Pelaez, K., Parra, J., Zuniga, A., & Abeldaño, P. (2022, April). Students’ participation in classroom discourse and language ideologies in multilingual secondary math classrooms. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Pelaez, K., Calleros, E. D., Parra, J., & Zahner, W. (2022, March) “Quiero llegar a ser alguien”: Community cultural wealth in mathematics classrooms. NCTM Virtual Research Conference (Virtual)

Zahner, W. (2019, April). Designing equitable mathematics learning environments for a linguistically diverse high school. Paper presented at the Research Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Diego, CA.

Zahner, W. (2017, June). Designing Learning Environments to Foster Productive and Powerful Discussions Among Linguistically Diverse Students in Secondary Mathematics. Poster Presented at DRK12 PIs Meeting, Washington, D.C. DRK12 PI Meeting 2016 Poster

Zahner, W. & Wynn, L. (2017, May). Rethinking and redesigning learning trajectories to meet the needs of emergent bilingual students: The case of linear functions. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Antonio, Texas.

Zahner, W. and Wynn, L. (2016, April). Identifying challenges and resources for ELLs’ reasoning about linear functions. Poster presented at the Research Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Francisco, CA.

mELd PD Workshops

Zahner, W., Wynn, L., & Ulloa, S. (2019, April). Developing Engaging Explorations of Culturally Responsive Tasks in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Diego, CA. Slides and Handouts

Zahner, W. (2019, February). Developing engaging explorations of culturally responsive tasks in linguistically diverse classrooms. Workshop presented for the California Mathematics Project at Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA

Zahner, W. & Wynn, L. (2018, October). Developing engaging explorations of culturally responsive tasks in linguistically diverse classrooms. Workshop presented at the California STEAM Symposium, Long Beach, CA.

Zahner, W. & Ulloa, J. S. (2017, October). Redesign Your Exercises to Develop CCSSM Practices with ELs. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the California Mathematics Council-South, Palm Springs, CA. Handouts and Presentation.

Related Publications by W. Zahner

Roberts, S., de Araujo, Z., Willey, C., & Zahner, W (2022). Three ways to enhance tasks for multilingual learners. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 115(7), p. 458-467.

Zahner, W. (2022). Building Cultural and Linguistic Equity for MLs/ELLs in the Mathematics Classroom. A learning resource published by New York City Public Schools Department of Multilingual Learners.

Zahner, W., Wynn, L., & Amoako Kayser, A. (2022). Equitable math instruction for California’s multilingual students. Education Trust-West Research in Brief. 

Zahner, W. & Aquino-Sterling, C. (2020). Are the words as important as the concepts? Using Pedagogical Language Knowledge to expand analysis of mathematics teaching with linguistically diverse students. Mathematics Education Research Journal. https:/

De Araujo, Z., Roberts, S., Willey, C. & Zahner, W. (2018). English learners in K-12 mathematics education: A review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 88(6), 879-919.

Mosckovich, J.N. & Zahner, W. (2018). A Situated and Sociocultural Perspective on Mathematical Communication: Uncovering Multiple Components of Activity during Peer Mathematical Discussions. ZDM Mathematics Education, 50(6), 999-1011.

Aquino-Sterling, C., Rodríguez-Valls, F., & Zahner, W. (2016). Fostering a Culture of Discourse in Secondary Mathematics Classrooms: Equity Approaches in Teaching and Teacher Education for Emergent Bilingual Students. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 5(2) 87-107.

Zahner, W. (2015). The Rise and Run of a Computational Understanding of Slope in a Conceptually Focused Bilingual Algebra Class. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 88(1), 19-41. DOI: 10.1007/s10649-014-9575-x

Zahner, W., Velazquez, G., Moschkovich, J.N., Vahey, P., & Lara-Meloy, T. (2012). Mathematics teaching practices with technology that support conceptual understanding for Latino/a students. Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 31(2012), 431- 446. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmathb.2012.06.002.

Zahner, W. (2012). “Nobody’s gonna be sitting at that one”: Two perspectives on how mathematics problems in context mediate group problem solving discussions. Revista de Investigación en Didáctica de las Matemáticas 1(2), 105-135.

Zahner, W. (2012). ELLs and group work: It can be done well. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 18(3), 156-164.

Zahner, W. & Moschkovich, J. N. (2010). Talking while computing in groups: The not-so-private functions of computational private speech in mathematical discussions. Mind Culture and Activity 17(3) 265-283. DOI: 10.1080/10749030903515213